Dear MADCaP Investigators, you are invited to this webinar on Telemedicine and e-Health organized by the Pan African Urologic Surgeons Association (PAUSA) and the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH).
Teleurology Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wednesday 23, 2020 @ 12pm (noon) EST
Who should attend:
Health care Professionals, Learners, Faculty, Engineers, Social workers, Policymakers, Health Informatics, Telehealth Professionals Administrators, Government officials, Public Health, Global Health Practitioners, Health Economists, etc.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The impact of this virus on the health care systems worldwide has been unprecedented, disruptive, challenging, and has made all of us to stop, consider the consequences; and follow the directions of the WHO, governments, and our public health officials at varying degrees. ‘Physical distancing’ as one of the strategies to contain the virus has made Virtual Health Care ‘ center stage. The extent and speed of spread of the infection has varied from country to country, Various patterns of virtual care- audio only by telephone or video+ audio ( e-visits) have been adopted with various other technological devices being used to assess and treat patients world-wide, We do not know what will happen in the future but there are signs that patients and health care professionals will increasingly adopt this platform of care, During this hour we shall review and exchange ideas and experience with Virtual care/Telemedicine before, during and consider the future after the pandemic has settled.
Method of Delivery
VIRTUAL PLATFORM -ZOOM through Talks, Case studies using power-point, video
and > 25 % interactive question and answer, pre- and post-evaluation questionnaire
survey (English & French)
See the attachment for more information.