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NIH Center for Global Health


Updated: Sep 21, 2021

Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Executive Summary

The Center for Global Health (CGH) at the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) was established in 2011 to contribute to improved cancer control worldwide. Coincident with the CGH 10th anniversary in 2021, this strategic plan will inform activities for the five-year period of 2021–2025. CGH supports the NCI mission by advancing global cancer research and coordinating NCI engagement in global cancer control. CGH also represents NCI in international research partnerships, playing a key role in coordinating multinational research efforts for global benefit. Core values for CGH are impact, equity, and collaboration. These values inform CGH efforts to lead innovative, impactful programs with partners within and outside NCI. CGH goals are focused on research, research training, dissemination, and partnership, primarily in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).Areas of scientific focus include new technologies, implementation science, cancer health disparities, clinical trials, and cancer etiology. Each of these areas require CGH to leverage expertise and resources across NCI divisions, offices, and centers (DOCs). Strategies related to each goal area are highlighted below, building on CGH successes during its first decade.By actualizing this plan, CGH will serve as a strong NCI hub for science and service to the global cancer research and control community. Throughout strategic plan implementation, we will solicit advice from internal and external advisory boards and continuously monitor progress toward CGH goals. We will undertake an external evaluation of CGH in 2025 to inform an updated strategic plan for the period of 2026–2030.

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