The MADCaP Data Access Approvals Committee
The DAAC is divided into two groups: MADCaP Africa and MADCaP US and each is comprised of PIs who contribute and or facilitate the contribution of, data and/or biospecimens to the network. There is one member from each collaborating institution, and members were chosen to represent a range of expertise and representation from each contributing Institution.
The DAAC is responsible for reviewing applications received from individuals interested in using African/US tissue and data for undertaking analyses, paper, grant, or project proposals. This information is to be submitted onto the project and paper concept proposal form, which is to be reviewed by all MADCaP PIs and will be available on the MADCaP website ( All proposals will then be collated and distributed to the DAAC by DFCI staff to review, identify overlaps, and suggest potential merges.
Concept proposals are submitted in batches to the DAAC. Each committee member is given three weeks to opt their institution out of any particular proposal, although the general expectation is that most studies will participate in most analyses. Those requesting data are required to list the datasets requested, how the data will be used, and how the original contributors will be credited. If the DAAC approves the application for data, the data will be released to the requestor under an agreement that secures the terms of use.
Primary data for approved concepts will be sent to the relevant investigators only once DTAs have been signed. There is no such requirement for summary data.**
Contact information: Caroline Andrews (