AORTIC Virtual Cancer Genomics Conference
February 18-19 2021
The African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer will host its Inaugural Virtual Cancer Genomics Conference on 18 & 19 February 2021.

Time & Location
February 18-19 2021
About the Event
The African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer will host its InauguralVirtual Cancer Genomics Conference on 18 & 19 February 2021.
The 2- day Cancer Genomics in Conference to address basic science and clinical research oncancer genomics and genetics research relevant to Africa and people of African descent inthe diaspora.   This will include the following topics:· Ethics· Data Management· Diagnostic Applications· Cancer Genomics of African Ancestry
ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS INVITED - OPEN UNTIL 8 JANUARY 2021Submit your research and take the opportunity to be part of our exciting programme!Opportunity to share your research with African and international colleagues,who are actively working in Cancer Genomics in Africa.
For Abstract guidelines & to submit an abstract online, visit:
REGISTRATIONRegistration opens 1 January 2021.Free admission for AORTIC members!
Please disseminate further!